Our staff speak Spanish to the children all day long. We use very little English. Most of our teachers are native Spanish speakers from many different Spanish speaking countries.
The transition to Language of Love's Spanish Immersion environment is similar to any school transition, regardless of the age of the child. Our teachers are experts at making new children feel at ease and using gestures and modeling to help children understand.
You will receive pictures and videos updates via our parent app "HiMama or Lillio".
Each child responds differently to coming to school and the guardian leaving. If there is a hard time saying, "goodbye", we know many strategies to help the child transition to our school. We will let you know if your child does not recover quickly after you leave via our parent app - HiMama/Lillio.
The following is an excerpt from the website for Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion School, which is the Spanish Immersion elementary school in Eden Prairie. Their website explains this matter perfectly:
"In terms of academic achievement, over 30 years of studies consistently show that immersion students achieve as well or better than non-immersion peers on standardized tests of verbal and mathematics skills conducted in English (Fortune & Tedick, 2003).
In terms of cognitive abilities, fully proficient bilingual people outperform monolingual people in the areas of divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving (Fortune, 2012).
Many parents initially worry that immersion will have a negative effect on their child’s development of language skills in English. However, research shows that immersion education benefits English language development. It is important to note that while students’ initial instruction is all in another language (Spanish for us) their English development may lag temporarily in reading, word knowledge, and spelling. However, after a year or two of instruction in English, this difference disappears. To reiterate, this lag is temporary and to be expected. Parents of immersion students commit to continue to support their child’s development in English at home during this time by reading to them every day in English and involving them in activities that complement their classroom learning."
Source: http://www.edenpr.org/ehsi
Source Articles Cited:
Language of Love is open from 6:30am to 5:59 pm. You may drop off and pick-up anytime during those hours. Please note that we plan to lock-up at 6:00pm, so please arrive no later than 5:55pm--to pick up your child and ready to go out the door by 6:00pm. The closing teachers really appreciate this respect for their evening schedules.
There is a late pick-up fee of $1.00/minute for time spent in the center after 6:00pm. This will be automatically charged to your bank account on file.
All children have a daily diary that is completed by the teacher through the HiMama/Lillio app, throughout the day. The daily diary provides the time and relevant information regarding diaper changes, naps, meals, activities and any special notes needed.
Parents are also given information about curriculum and special events via emails from the HiMama/Lillilo app and our monthly calendar.
Yes. We schedule parent/teacher conferences every 6 months. Prior to the conference, your child's teacher will perform an assessment of your child's developmental milestones. This assessment will be presented and discussed at the conference. Feel free to ask questions, this is your conference!
We will always honor parent requests for a conference outside of the normal 6 month conferences.
For everyone's safety on the road, Language of Love follows public school district closings for snow storms. In the event of a snow storm, parents should follow news outlets to find out closure information. We also will sent out messages via our himama/Lillio app. Our Eden Prairie location will follow the decisions of the Eden Prairie School District. Our Victoria location will follow the decisions of the Eastern Carver County School District. If a late start or early closure is announced, this will also apply to Language of Love. There are no tuition credits for snow days.
In recent years, schools have closed due to extremely cold temperatures. This is for the protection of children who wait outside for the bus. Since waiting for the bus does not apply to Langauge of Love, we do not close for cold temperatures. Your children will be warm inside our school!
Yes. In the enrollment packet, parents must specify at least two other authorized pick-up persons (besides the parents). This is required by the licensing agency so that we have alternate contacts if the parents cannot be reached. Your authorized pick-up persons can be changed at any time. We must have authorization to release the child to anyone, other than the parents. When the alternate pick-up person arrives at the center, they will be asked for identification if they are not already known by the teacher . If a different individual will be picking up, that is not on the, "Authorized Pick Up List", this is fine. Life happens. To make these exceptions, the parent would need to send a message through himama giving the pick up persons legal name. If we receive this message and the person has a valid, government issued ID, we can then release your child to this person.
Language of Love is closed for the following holidays:
•New Years Day
•Memorial Day
•Independence Day
•Labor Day
•Thanksgiving Day
•Day after Thanksgiving
•Christmas Day
If a holiday falls on a weekend, it may be observed on the nearest Friday or Monday. No tuition deductions are given for weeks that contain a holiday.
We close at 12:30 pm for, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, if these days fall on a weekday. The Latino Culture greatly celebrates New Year's Eve, and we have more requests from our teachers for New Year's Eve than for Christmas Eve. Ha, ha!
At Language of Love, we work hard to keep child care affordable for you.
We also believe that rates should be provided up-front, which is why we publish our tuition rates on our website when most child care centers will not discuss rates until you come in for a tour.
Yes, there is a one-time enrollment fee of $100/child or $150/family. Anna does not believe in charging parents hidden fees for annual enrollment or curriculum fees!
No, there is no annual fee. You will never receive other requests for field trips. All of these cost are covered by the school!
Tuition includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and milk.
Diapers, wipes, and diaper cream must be provided by the parents.
For infants, parents must provide pre-made bottles of breast milk or formula, as well as any baby food or cereal. When an infant transitions to table food, Language of Love will provide meals, snacks, and whole milk from our kitchen.
The official method of tuition payment is automatic withdrawal from a checking account. Parents may choose a weekly or every-other week schedule. Tuition is deducted on Mondays (sometimes Tuesdays depending on your bank) and applies to the following week or two week period.
Not at this time.
Yes. This is the norm in the child care industry. Upon enrollment, your child's spot is guaranteed and we are staffed and equipped accordingly for your child each day. For this reason, there is no credit for sick days.
Yes. After your child has been enrolled for six months, you are eligible for one week of tuition-free vacation per year. The vacation credit can only be applied if your child does not attend. Vacation must be requested at least two weeks in advance. You can request to use your vacation week by emailing or himama messaging Morgan.
Yes. Language of Love offers a 10% discount off the 2nd (and 3rd, 4th) child's tuition. We give priority enrollment for siblings, so please let us know if you are expecting another baby so that we can plan accordingly.
When a child becomes ill while attending Language of Love, the parent or guardian will be notified and arrangements will be made for the child to be picked up. While the child is waiting for the parent or guardian to arrive, the child will be isolated from the commotion of ongoing activities and brought to an area designated for sick children. A staff member will supervise and care for the sick child while waiting for the parent or guardian to come. Ill children must be picked up within thirty minutes of notification.
An ill child meeting one or more of the following criteria will be considered too ill to remain at Language of Love:
• Child with a condition that is be contagious and poses a health risk to others
• Chicken pox – Child cannot return to Language of Love no longer infectious or until the lesions are crusted over;
• Vomited two or more times since admission that day;
• Three or more abnormally loose stools since admission that day;
• Contagious conjunctivitis or pus draining from the eye;
• A bacterial infection such as strep throat or impetigo and has not completed 24 hours of antimicrobial therapy;
• Unexplained lethargy;
• Lice, ringworm, or scabies that is untreated and contagious to others;
• 100 degree Fahrenheit axillary or higher temperature of undiagnosed origin before fever reducing medication is given;
• Undiagnosed rash or a rash attributable to a contagious illness or condition;
• Significant respiratory distress;
• Child is not able to participate in child care program activities with reasonable comfort; or
• Child requires more care than the program staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children in care.
Children may not return to Language of Love until 24 hours or more of being symptom-free of any contagious illness. Parents are asked to call to inform the Language of Love staff when a child will not be attending due to illness.
If your child experiences a minor injury during the day, such as a scrape or scratch, the teacher will provide first aid and lots of hugs. The teacher will fill out an incident report to document what happened and what first aid was given. You will be given the incident report at pick-up time and asked to sign it or notified of the incidente vía our app, Lillio. We will make you a copy upon request.
If an injury occurs that may require medical care, the teacher will call the parent immediately to explain what happened and ask that you come pick up your child. First aid will be given until you arrive. An incident report will be completed. We will follow-up with you later that day or the next day to check on your child.
All of our teachers are trained in first aid and know what qualifies as a medical emergency and when to call 911.
Language of Love is a nut free, and whole egg free, environment. Please make sure you do not bring any nuts, nut products or whole eggs into the center.
Language of Love follows an allergy care plan for every child with an allergy. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure the child does not come in contact with the allergen. The allergy care plan must be written and provide instructions on what to do in the event of an allergic reaction. If necessary, an Epi-pen and/or other allergy medication should be provided. Language of Love’s teachers are trained on how to administer Epi-pen injections.
Allergy Care Plan Document:
Please also be advised that Language of Love hires a Licensed Public Health Nurse to consult on a monthly basis. The nurse reviews the files of children who have health conditions and allergies to ensure everyone is ready in the case of an incident.
Language of Love will administer medication if needed. Medication must be provided with a pharmacy label on it that includes the child’s name and directions for use. A medication authorization form must be completed by the parents, and must be renewed.
If over the counter medication is needed, a non-prescription medication authorization form can be completed. Medication must be provided in the original container. Language of Love can only administer medication according to the directions on the over the counter medication drug facts label. If your child's healthcare provider has advised to use the medication differently than what the drug facts label directions say, a doctor's order will be required.
Language of Love will evaluate special needs on a case by case basis. Please send us an email and we will be happy to work with you to determine if Language of Love has the capability to provide the care your child needs, as our licensed teacher to child ratios allow.
Language of Love requires vaccination records. Please contact us for specific questions.
Breakfast is served at approximately 8:30am each day. Breakfast includes a grain, fruit, and milk. For example: a bowl of whole gran, cheerios, with milk, buttered toast and a banana.
Lunch is served between 11:30am and 12noon each day. Lunch includes a grain, protein, 2 servings of fruit and/or vegetables, and milk. For example: Spaghetti with meatballs, served with fresh cut pineapple, steamed broccoli, and milk.
A snack is served after nap time at approximately 3:30pm-4:00pm. Snack includes dairy plus a grain or fruit. For example: cheese, crackers, and water OR veggie straws with milk.
Bottles must be pre-filled and labeled with the child's first and last name. Please note that Language of Love cannot mix formula. Parents must mix formula at home and bring the prepared bottles at drop-off. Note that formula is good for 24 hours after mixing if refrigerated. Most parents mix the formula at home and use a soft sided bottle cooler with an ice pack for transport to daycare. You can also mix the formula once you arrive at the center, if you prefer.
The infant room has a refrigerator where bottles will be stored immediately upon receipt. Bottles are warmed using warm water and then immediately fed to the infant in the arms of the caregiver. Health guidelines require that a bottle must be discontinued after being out of the refrigerator for 45 minutes.
It's important to ensure that enough bottles are provided each day. We recommend that parents start by bringing the estimated amount plus one extra bottle. Bottles will be returned to you at the end of the day, and any unused bottles can be brought home on ice and given within the 24 hour window.
Infants start eating baby cereal and baby food around 4-6 months of age. Baby food and cereal must be provided by the parents. We encourage parents to try new baby foods at home first before bringing that food to the center. Rice or oat cereal is typically given on its own first, then pureed foods are added to the cereal. Parents can provide a dry box of cereal and our staff will mix the cereal.
When developmentally appropriate, infants start integrating normal table foods into their diet. Language of Love's kitchen delivers meals to the infant room. Our cook spends extra time cutting food into very small bites. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. Starting at 12 months, infants can begin drinking cow's milk, which will also be provided by our kitchen.
Please feel free to voice any dietary concerns or restrictions. We will follow your wishes. If a food request is made that is outside our normal grocery stock, we may ask that you provide that particular food.
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